the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
A large number of guest speakers and parent programs are planned
for the coming weeks. You are invited to join us for Rabbi Rakefet's
presentation on January 10, which will no doubt be both entertaining
and informative. This week and next are relatively quiet on the
sports front, due to our competitors in the FHSAA league being on
vacation. The notable exception is this Saturday night's game
against Hebrew Academy (see sidebar on right).
Mazel tov to administration members Mr. Shimmie Kaminetsky
and Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner on being honored at the national Ben
Zakkai on February 22 in New York, and refuah shleima to Mr. Bruce
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Week at YHS |
Yehuda Katz of the Israeli band Reva LaSheva
gave a kumsitz and concert for the entire student body on
Yashar Koach to the students and parents on the
excellent attendance on December 25.
The second wave of visits by Israeli yeshviot came to a
close this past week with visits by Yeshivot Lev
HaTorah and Torat Shraga. Their representatives
gave shiurim and interviewed seniors on Monday. Rabbi Horowitz
and Mrs. Kanner will each be making trips to Israel during
Winter Break to both check on our graduates and see new
schools which may be options for our graduates in future
Coming Week at YHS |
The majority of freshman class is going to a Miami
Heat game on the evening of Monday, December 30. Buses
will drop students off in each community afterwards. Please
call Rabbi Spodek if you have any questions.
The NMB Committee for YHS meeting about the upcoming
YHS shabbaton in NMB will take place at the home of Brenda and
Alan Pritzker Monday night at 7:45 PM. The shabbaton is
planned for the weekend of Shabbat Parshat Shekalim, Friday-
Saturday, February 28- March 1.
A date for the next meeting of the Hollywood
Committee for YHS is being set for January.
There is no school on Wednesday (January 1).
Upcoming Events at YHS |
Monday, January 6- The College Kick-Off program for
Juniors and their parents with Mrs. Judi Robinovitz has
been moved one half hour later to 8:30 PM to accomodate
parents and students attending the girls basketball game that
Wednesday, January 8- YHS Tzedakah Project of the
Month presentation by Yad L'achim.
Mothers and daughters who purchased tickets through the
school will be going to see Les Miserables at the
Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami Beach.
On Friday, January 10, Rabbi Aaron Rakefet will
be speaking to the entire student body regarding the question
"Was Rabbi Soloveitchik Modern Orthodox?"
To help students prepare for midterms, there will be
no tests on the preceeding Thursday and Friday and no mishmar
on Thursday, January 9 and Sunday January 12.
After midterms (Monday-Thursday, January 13-16), we
will be on mid-year recess through Monday, January 27.
On the evening of Wednesday, January 29, Parent
Teacher Conferences will take place. From 8:30-9:30 PM,
there will be an optional College Finance Planning Seminar
open to parents of students in all grades. A sign up form
can be printed from the link on the right hand side of this
page. After filling it in, please fax or mail it to the school
The YHS production of the musical "Annie" will take
place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday,
February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray Beach. Director
Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have been hard at
work on what promises to be an excellent performance.
| |
Doubleheader vs. Hebrew Academy on Motzei
Shabbat |
Turnout for the games of the year this Saturday night.
The Boys JV game will begin at 7:30 PM at Chaminade High
School in Hollywood, and the varsity game will follow.
Directions to Chaminade are I-95 to Hollywood Blvd. Go west
for almost 2 miles (past the roundabout), and make a right
onto North 52nd Ave. In 50 yards, you'll get to a stop sign.
You'll see the school gym on the left side. You make a slight
left and swing into the school's parking lot. Park on the side
of the gym. Fans should come in school attire.